Are you coughing or sneezing at home but not when you spend time outside? If so, you’re likely suffering from poor indoor air quality. Follow these three tips to improve the air quality in your Hampton, South Carolina, home and breathe easier.

Add Houseplants Around Your Home

If you don’t already have houseplants in your home, now’s the time to add some. NASA published a study in 1989 that found houseplants can filter indoor air of cancer-causing volatile organic compounds. Research since then has also found that microorganisms in the soil of potted plants can help to clean indoor air too. Consider these houseplants:

  • Bamboo palm
  • Boston fern
  • English ivy*
  • Peace lily*
  • Spider plant

*These plants are toxic to pets.

Install an Air Cleaner

When it’s clean, your HVAC system’s filter prevents most particles from circulating throughout your home. But it doesn’t catch them all. A high-quality air cleaner works to remove 99.98 percent of the smallest of particles, including smoke, dust, pollen and bacteria. As a result, it can help ease asthma and allergy symptoms and help you breathe easier.

Invest in Whole-Home Ventilation

Does your home always feel stuffy? Building developers have designed modern homes to contain tight thermal envelopes to help maintain high energy efficiency. Often this results in a home experiencing stagnant air. An energy recovery ventilator (ERV) works to exhaust stale air out of your home while bringing fresh and conditioned air inside.

Don’t let poor indoor air quality harm your health. By following these tips, you can breathe easier, sleep better and lead a healthier life in your home. Contact Coastal Air Technologies, Inc. at (803) 914-0900 to learn more about how to improve the air quality in your home. Our team of IAQ experts is standing by to make sure your home is as comfortable, healthy and safe as possible.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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